tonight a couple of friends and i attended the waco community hymn sing. we didn't have to go for school, we weren't being forced to go by parents...we just really wanted to go. i know that might seem abnormal for a group of 20-somethings, but if you know me, you know i like hymns--a whole lot. we sang some oldie-goldies like "when the roll is called up yonder" and "i'll fly away," but we also sang some favorites like "come thou fount" and "in christ alone." that last one is never easy for me.
it probably goes without saying that we were the youngest ones there by about 40 years. i loved it. it's been a while since i've worshipped alongside wrinkly hands, white hair, and walking canes. as i looked around, my heart was so encouraged. sometimes all this faith stuff can be so confusing. sometimes i think it might just be easier to throw in the towel. but then i look at the beautiful people i was surrounded by tonight and realize they've been doing this faith thing for longer than i've been alive, and who knows what all they've seen during their 60, 70, 80+ years on this earth. what an incredible testimony of the lord's faithfulness.
proverbs 16.31: "gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life."
psalm 145.4: "one generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts."
oh how i long to be singing of the lord's faithfulness when i have weekly appointments at the beauty shop and my husband has hairy ears--and that it might possibly encourage some crazy young girl to keep pressing on in the lord.