you find yourself trying to balance a handful of different things all at the same time... and just as you get one thing under control, something else needs attention, then something else, then the thing you felt like you had under control starts needing attention... and the next thing you know, you're running around like a crazy.
that's exactly what i've felt like for the last couple months. the thing is, most days i think i'm REALLY good at it. i feel like i'm awesome because i'm able to balance so many things and keep so many things under control... oh but then there are those days where i feel like all the plates have crashed and instead of being on top of everything, i find everything on top of me.
last week louie giglio tweeted: "Feel like you can't pull off what you're facing on your own? You're not alone. God agrees with you! #leanonJesus"
now i realize that tweet is super simple and maybe even a little cheesy, but when i read it, it was super convicting. i tend to think i can pull off this whole plate spinning balancing act thing on my own, but i absolutely can't.
so i don't know exactly what it practically looks like, but here's to hoping i can learn to let jesus keep my plates spinning.