have you ever had a staycation? i totally recommend it. my mom and brother came up for a few days, and instead of staying in norman and doing the usual thing, she decided we needed a staycation, so she got us a couple rooms at a hotel in downtown okc for the weekend. what a fun idea! i loved feeling like we were "hosting" people in our city -- but at the same time feeling like we got to have a little getaway too -- and who knew okc could be so fun?! from downtown to bricktown, the okc memorial and pops, we had such a good time.

(sidenote: i just realized i need to take more pictures of people and less pictures of things. oops.)
i always love being with my family for easter weekend. even if we don't talk about it or make a big deal about it, it's good for us to remember together that death is not the end. death does not have the final word. even though it has dramatically changed our lives in a very unexpected and unwelcome way, we don't have to grieve as others do who have no hope (1 thessalonians 4.13). we have hope. jesus has conquered death and the grave. DEATH is swallowed up in VICTORY (1 corinthians 15.55).
on that note, the highlight of the weekend for me was our good friday service. our church in norman -- providence road -- joined together with 5 other acts 29 churches in the okc area for a time of worship on friday night. it was so simple and so beautiful. it was just a series of scripture readings, prayers, and songs -- nothing crazy or super innovative -- just enough to focus our hearts on the cross. it was perfect. my heart was so moved by the gospel -- much needed refreshment.
chris and i kept the kiddos sunday night at church. at first, i was kinda bummed that i was having to miss worship on easter sunday -- but how selfish is that?! my attitude quickly changed as i realized what a gift it was to these parents that we could watch their kids and give them the opportunity to worship and celebrate without worrying about babies crying and toddlers not knowing how to share (who knew that was such a hard concept?!). so maybe it wasn't the typical way to worship on easter sunday, but we loved it. (and it didn't hurt that the kids were SUPER cute decked out in their easter attire -- i mean, ADORABLE! i wish i had pictures for you.)
okay and last but not least, speaking of adorable children in easter clothes, my brother sent me a picture of my nephew, whit, on easter. CAN YOU EVEN HANDLE IT?! he's just the absolute cutest. i can't wait to see him again.

hope you had a great easter weekend! HE IS RISEN!!!
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