

happy texas independence day!

i'm one of those obnoxious texans that genuinely loves the state of texas... but aren't all texans?? sorry, people. we can't help it. texas is just the greatest.

so in honor of texas independence day, i had to post this recent buzzfeed article:

i couldn't stop smiling while reading the list. read it. asap. it includes everything from beyonce to bluebonnets, and i love all of them.

thankfully, the husband and i were deep in the heart of texas this weekend for a conference in austin. god bless you, austin, texas, and your delicious breakfast tacos and food trucks and lovely capitol building and just overall coolness.

so happy texas independence day, y'all, from two homesick texans.

{old picture from a rehearsal dinner last june,
but don't you just love bluebonnets? even if they're fake?!}

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