somewhere in the middle of the 4 AM golfball-sized hailstorm last night, i got a text message from mom saying our newest family member had made his debut. i'm unbelievably proud to introduce you to my brand new nephew, benjamin luke crowson:
9 lbs, 1 oz // 23 inches |
i can't get over how kind God is to let our family celebrate new life on this easter sunday. it's too perfect. on a day in which we celebrate our savior who gives us new spiritual life by the shedding of his blood and the power of his resurrection, we also get to celebrate new physical life with this sweet little addition to our family.
apparently, his big brother was pretty excited about his arrival, too.
whit: "my ben..." |
we're so glad you're finally here, sweet benjamin, and we absolutely can't wait to meet you next weekend. love, your favorite aunt and uncle.
happy easter! |
p.s. it's also really cool that you decided to be born on opening day of the texas rangers' season. your grandfather would have
LOVED that. i think it's another picture of God's kindness to us. thanks for that, ben. you're a gift. by the way, your astros-loving uncle chris is about to be very disappointed. let's go, rangers!
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