

fix you.

my mom is wrapping up a study on the book of john in her ladies' sunday school class. this morning she was in chapter 19... the cross. it was both heavy and refreshing to sit in on her class today. i realized that, as a believer, i don't think i reflect on/think about/study the cross enough--and maybe there's never a point of "enough" in this area, but surely my focus needs to be there more than it typically is. i want to be more constantly aware of the weight of my sinful nature and the depth of his love and grace.

at the end of her lesson, she showed this video of clips from "the passion of the christ" set to coldplay's "fix you." this song has been a favorite of mine for a while. in the last three years, the words of this song have usually driven me to feelings of grief (almost in a therapeutic way--is that weird?), but today, hearing it while watching the passion unfold, i was driven to feelings of hope and redemption.

"he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of god in him." 2 corinthians 5.21 (nasb)

"we know that when jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. never again will death have the last word." romans 6. (the message)

watch the video here:

1 comment:

The Sages said...

Love that video!!