

noonday & fair trade.

attention all females or anyone with any female on your christmas list -- this post is for you.

i have recently fallen in love with this jewelry/housewares/accessories line (thanks, abby) and i can't wait for you to fall in love with them, too.

let me introduce you to noonday collection:

is your heart not FREAKING OUT?!? you can empower women around the world and look super cute doing it! if you're going to spend money this month (which you are), you might as well change the world while you're at it. 

on that note, i'm trying to be super conscious these days about where our money goes -- not necessarily in a budget way (sorry, chris) but in a "who really gets this money?" way. i'm realizing most of the clothes and products we buy are at the expense (not profit) of people (sometimes children) overseas. not okay, y'all. 

i'm only a recent passenger on the fair trade train, so you should read these posts from others who are much more knowledgable on the subject:

jen hatmaker: the christmas conundrum
katy rose (a friend of mine here in norman): traditions in gift giving
kristen howerton (this one's about chocolate at halloween, but same general idea): the inconvenient truth...

it's a bandwagon worth hopping on (did i just mix metaphors there?), so i hope you'll join me in taking baby steps toward fair trade this christmas season.

"and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday."
-- isaiah 58.10

do you know of other fair trade products or other posts about the necessity of fair trade? please share them in the comments section!

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