

reminders from romans.

love from the center of who you are;
don't fake it.
run for dear life from evil;
hold on for dear life to good.
be good friends who love deeply;
practice playing second fiddle.

don't burn out;
keep yourselves fueled and aflame.
be alert servants of the Master;
cheerfully expectant.
don't quit in hard times;
pray all the harder.
help needy christians;
be inventive in hospitality...
discover beauty in everyone.

-- romans 12.9-13, 17 (the message)

i've always liked this passage, and i'm currently struck by eugene peterson's interpretation of it. sometimes the christian life can seem complicated, theology can get wordy and confusing, and doing ministry and mission can mean lots of planning/strategizing/meeting. all of that to say, the simplicity and beauty of this passage are a refreshing reminder of how good it is to love God and love people. 

happy friday, everyone!

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