

thankful thursday.

my friend, kristen, occasionally writes "five friday favorites" posts on her blog, and i've always loved that idea... so... i'm essentially copying it. thanks, kristen!

no, but seriously, i'm learning that SO much of life is about perspective. i mean, even if you've had the worst week ever, you can still find something to be thankful for, right? and when you realize how thankful you are for that thing, it changes your mood a little bit -- it makes the terrible things a little less terrible, huh? i'm becoming more and more convinced that gratitude and joy go hand-in-hand. i want so badly to have a grateful spirit -- for the big things, and for the easily unnoticed things. i want so badly to recognize everything as a gift of grace -- because it is, whether i recognize it or not! so here's to being thankful, y'all!

{and i haven't even read one thousand gifts yet! just imagine how thankful i'll be after crossing that off my "to read" list!}

so, let's get started. five things i'm thankful for this week:

1. the return of auburn football.
well, college football in general, but specifically auburn football. i don't even care that we lost our first game. wait, that's a lie, but i'm just so happy that it's back. war eagle.

2. syrup.
as most of you know, my friend, torree, has been in the process of opening a new breakfast place in norman, and i've been counting down the days till i could work there. well, good news -- it's finally open!!! our first day was tuesday, and the official grand opening is saturday! good coffee, good people, good food... i already love it. we're open 6:30-2 tuesday-friday and 7:30-3 saturday and sunday... come see us!

3. our new missional community group.
in april, our church launched 2 missional community groups, and now we've grown into 4! our new group met for the first time last night and we couldn't be more excited about it. can't wait to see how god uses this group!

4. season 4 of parks and rec.
the husband and i got netflix in january, and since then, we've worn out every episode of the first three parks and rec seasons. on monday, we sat down to eat lunch and watch an episode, when lo and behold, we found out the fourth season had been posted! it was a labor day miracle! don't worry, we've already watched at least eleven episodes. i can't get enough. if you're not into this show, i need you to be. please, for the sake of our friendship, go watch it right now.

5. this article.
i really can't stand politics... like can't stand them. i have to coach myself not to defriend people when they post ridiculous political statuses on facebook. i have to fight not to put in headphones while my political-science-minor husband watches political news on tv. VOM. enter: this article. it was such refreshing sanity in the midst of stupidity. okay, maybe that was dramatic, but seriously, it's a great article and i hope you'll take the time to read it.

what are you thankful for this week?


Anonymous said...

LOVE parks and rec!! I didn't know that season 4 was already on netflix. What do you think I am watching right this very second thanks to you?!?!

And I can't wait to try out Syrup!! I heard the french toast is tasty!

Ronne said...

Today, I'm thankful for:

1) Unity that I'm seeing in the Church in Austin, Texas. I sat in a room of communication folks from 10 churches all wanting to work together to lift the name of Jesus high. More churches are coming to the table.
2) A God who is still in the healing business.
3) Caffeine.
4) The beautiful side of social media - prayer requests and sweet messages and little slices of life shared in words and pictures.
5) Friends like you who remind me to be thankful. :)

Carrie said...

That is not a show I'd ever expect you to like. Did you watch the office? All of those shows in my opinio. Are dumb and a waste of the producers time haha