

thankful thursday: hello, october.

i think october might be my favorite month. i love cooler weather, soup season, boots and scarves, college football, baseball playoffs (although my rangers are scaring me), and changing leaves. i just love fall. here are a few things i've been thankful for this week...

1. my fall candle.
it immediately puts me in a better mood and makes our little apartment smell delightful.

2. mondays off.
syrup is open tuesday-sunday and closed on mondays, so since i usually have to work there at least one day during the weekend, i've decided to treat mondays like saturdays... and it's awesome. i'm always thankful for the much needed rest.

3. thawed wedding cake.
we took a few bites of our one-year-old wedding cake on monday night... let's be honest, it was a little anticlimactic, but super sentimental, and actually kinda tasty! 

4. dinner with friends.
last week and this week we were invited into two different families' homes for dinner. there's just something so good about sharing a meal with people... especially when they have great senses of humor, good wisdom to share, and cute kiddos to play with.

5. leaves.
at our wedding reception, we had our guests write little notes on these leaves -- everything from verses to quotes to inside jokes -- and for a year now i've been trying to figure out what to do with some of them. when my fam was in town, my sister-in-law finally helped me pull the trigger on this creation over our bed. i absolutely LOVE it. i'm so thankful for the friends, family, and memories these leaves bring to mind. 

happy october! what are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

abby said...

I love your thankful thursday posts. So fun!