


i kind of love the natural rhythm that the end of the year brings. i love all the top 10 lists and year-in-review videos. i love reflecting on the fun memories made this year (thank you, road trips) and lessons learned (1st year of marriage = constant learning). i love the feeling of a new start and getting to put the not-so-fun memories behind us (we're looking at you, lonely days and flooded apartment).

last year on this day we had only been married for 3 months! there's quite a difference between 3 months of marriage and 15 months of marriage... and for sure a difference between living in a town for 3 months (still using my iphone map to find everything and not knowing anyone but my husband) and living in a town for 15 months (actually feeling like it's home!).

last year on this day i was 100% unemployed and chris was working a part-time job. (what!?!) raising support so that both of us could work part-time for the church was such a process, but such a way to watch the lord provide for us. we've loved serving and leading at prov road, and we're so pumped to see what 2013 has in store for our people.

last year on this day we had one little baby nephew, and now we have two nephews and one on the way! (we're slightly obsessed.)

i was scrolling through the pictures on my phone earlier today trying to remember everything about 2012... and clearly i had to make a fun collage. (let's be honest, people. we've basically been on the couch watching bowl games all day, so i had to find something to do.) so here you have it, some of our 2012 highlights in pictures:

january: OU basketball game with the now-married marshes.
(OU sports = major source of entertainment for us year-round.)
february: mamma mia! in okc for my birthday.
march: celebrating whitney's birthday. (i miss the good ol' days when she was only 20 min away.)
april: catching thunder fever.
may: celebrating whit's 1st birthday!
june: caribbean cruise with the brister family.
july: tour de south. meeting my bff's brand new baby.
august: katelyn came to visit!
september: syrup opened. thankful to work with a girl i've been friends with for a decade.
october: month o' weddings. 'nam reunion.
november: welcome to the world, ben hardy!
december: christmas shenaningans.
so here's to 2013... it will surely be filled with more highs and more lows... but i'm thankful to know in advance that the lord will be faithful. here's to a new year and the new mercies he gives, not just today but everyday. 

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