

joy dare.

i love the idea of resolutions, but let's be honest, i'm not always great at sticking to them -- but who is? (okay, except for sarah.) i think the only 2012 resolution we successfully stuck with was closing the toilet lid when we flush. not a joke. the bristers are lid-closers now. who wants to brush their teeth with toilet water? sick.

don't get me wrong, we've come up with some great ideas in the last week or so... 2013: the year of actually eating our leftovers. 2013: the year of calling our grandmothers more. 2013: the year i actually change my email address to my married name (it's been 15 months, y'all). 2013: the year we read more and watch tv less. 2013: the year i start remembering to take my reusable bags to the grocery store.

and then, of course, there are the spiritual ones... 2013: the year of praying more... or reading my bible more consistently... or being more intentional in my conversations with people... etc., etc., etc... but how do you measure "more"? it's totally unachievable.

i need something measurable, something achievable. i recently finished the book one thousand gifts. (i wrote a post about it a couple months ago when i started it, mostly because i had fallen in love with the little intro video. go back and check it out.)

i mean, i LOVED this book. it took me a while to get used to her writing style, but once i did, i was just so overwhelmed by it. by the time i finished, i was so ready, so desperate to make eucharisteo a part of me, for gratitude to be part of who i am, for my joy to come from my awareness of who HE is and all HE has done -- in the everyday, no matter the circumstance. because quite literally everything is a gift, whether i recognize it or not, so why not make an effort to notice?

so it was officially decided... 2013: the year of counting 1000 gifts. measurable: clearly. achievable: absolutely. then... it gets better... i was on ann voskamp's blog one day and found a little gem to help me in this gift counting. it's called the joy dare. she gives you three things to look for each day, and by the end of the year, you'll have counted over 1000 gifts. so for example, here's january:
i'm only 8 days in and i'm already loving it. admittedly, it can feel a little cheesy sometimes, but maybe that's okay? even good for me? it feels like a treasure hunt, which i don't hate even a little bit.

so here's to 2013: the year of counting 1000 gifts... and maybe eating a few more leftovers. who's with me??

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