

new girl.

the bristers are entering yet another new chapter.

{i'm beginning to wonder if we're ever not going to feel like we're in a new chapter. is that just real life? who knew?}

as of thursday, i'm the brand new "be a family program coordinator" at buckner international. i'm primarily doing family intake (serving as the primary contact for parents interested in fostering or adopting through buckner in order to point them in the right direction), but also some social media, recruitment, customer service, and whatever else they throw my way. by the end of my orientation, i wondered if they created this position as a "be a family" junk drawer to throw all the miscellaneous necessities in, but hey, the junk drawer is the go-to drawer in your house, right? i'm okay with it.

needless to say, i'm quite excited. i mean, in case you missed it, i'm getting paid to help parents adopt and foster through an organization i love. i'm getting paid to find parents for children who don't have them. Y'ALL. yes, i'm having to adjust to full time job life and having to adjust to working from home, but i'm pumped to be doing something i enjoy and pumped that it allows me to still be here doing stuff with prov road.

cheers to a new chapter!

"God sets the lonely in families..." -- psalm 68.6


Anonymous said...

super thrilled for you!! congrats on your new job friend!!!

Unknown said...

so great!! congrats!! - kevin hall

Katelyn Foster said...

yeah!!! and i'm cracking up at this picture. wear that hat every. single. day. congrats!

bethgillem said...

so proud of you, ceej!!

Ally Cates said...

welcome to the team!! that's awesome :)